Become a member at The Focus and get exclusive benefits like
members only invitations and significant discounts over regular rates!
Hockey Training Membership
*Limited to 30 total memberships.*
Advanced booking privileges.
Significant discount over regular rates.
Members only invitation for special hockey training seminars.
6 month progress evaluation .
F1 Simulator
*Limited to 20 total memberships.*
Advanced booking privileges.
Significant discount over regular rates.
Members only invitation for special sim-racing seminars.
Time can be used by family and friends.
Time can be booked in 30, 45 and 60 minute sessions.
Pricing & Details
– Hockey Training Tiers –
25 half hour training
sessions: $435
50 half hourtraining
sessions: $750
*Hours never expire
– F1 Sim Tiers –
Kart : 25 hours of sim time: $729
Rally: 50 hours of sim time: $1299
Single Seater: 75 hours of sim time: $1629
Team: 150 hours of sim time: $2439
*Hours never expire